domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

Arte para o livro: Populares e Perdedores

Ano passado trabalhei na criação da arte gráfica para o livro “Perdedores e Populares: crianças falam sobre os estereótipos da mídia”, da publicitária, especialista em propaganda e marketing e mestre em educação e comunicação Patricia Bieging.

O livro evidencia a relação cotidiana das crianças com as identidades estereotipadas produzidas pela mídia, apresentando como as crianças se classificam em grupos.

O livro, apesar de trazer o ponto de vista das crianças, aborda um tema duro e muitas vezes negligenciado. Para isso busquei construir graficamente a caricatura de muitos dos estereótipos apresentados por Bieging. As cores e personagens são alegres, o que ameniza muito do conteúdo apresentado no livro. Entretanto o traço orgânico e contrastado e riscado, da ilustração impõem personalidade própria aos personagens.



segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2012

My first short movie born in NY!

Since late 2011 I and my wife decided to invest in other areas of communication, breathing another air, finally mess with our creativity. That's when we decided to come to New York, where I began the course in Filmmaking at the New York Film Academy. The nine weeks course was very intensive, where the students learned a lot about pre-production, production and post-production of film… of course that nine weeks is too little to know everything, but because the format of short and intensive class, I can guarantee that is equivalent to many courses with more time (we studied whole days, all days that week). This is due to the large amount of material produced and studied. Of course the focus was on the script, production, direction and a good base of edition. In our classes we did not get to do sound mixing, because this is another universe completely overwhelming, and as they say "Cinema is not art that only one person can do alone, but is it a team art".

My final project, the short movie with 4'25", called Blind Date, was scripted, pre-produced, captured (directed) and edited in 30 days (by me). Not to mention my parallel  production when I helped in five other short movies. It was a hard, but rewarding work.

Blind Date is a drama, and it storytelling is about the protagonist Kim a young woman who knows a guy for a social networking site. They fall in love with other, even without ever having seen themself, and decide to have a date. The climax of the story takes place in the coffee shop where they book the meet. Kim looks forward to meet her lover, but discovers that he, despite being a handsome and a polite man, he is blind. Because this fact Kim lie about her identity to the man. The end of the story is not very happy, but really I like it, I will not be philosophical, but I have my reason to like it :) Of course, I'm open to criticism.

Here are photos of the film's production and premiere day. I not yet available the short movie here, because I'm entering a few festivals.


Directing and shooting:

I and actress Jennifer Onvie


Nadine and me

I, Harini and Jennifer

Directing actors Ana Guerrero and Alex Lago


A little of Blind Date:

Premiere day:

Nadine (director of photography), I (writer, director and editor), Malwa (camera assistant), Alex (actor), Jennifer (actress), Harini (light assistant) and Patricia (producer)